yarn add @spark-web/alert
Alert displays a short and concise message to draw a users' attention without interrupting their current task.
The component offers several levels of tonal severity.
You can also set an onClose
prop callback function which will render a close
icon button on the alert. The callback function will be called upon the button
being pressed.
Custom icons
In rare cases, you may need to provide a custom icon. To do so, we expose an
prop. You can pass it any icon from the Icon package.
Prop | Type | Description |
children | ReactNode: string | number | false | true | {} | ReactElement<any, string | JSXElementConstructor<any>> | Iterable<ReactNode> | ReactPortal | The body content of the alert. |
closeLabel? | string | Sets a label for the close button if the close icon button is present. Default: |
data? | DataAttributeMap | Sets data attributes on the component. |
heading? | string | Sets a heading for the alert. |
icon? | ForwardRefExoticComponent<IconProps & RefAttributes<SVGSVGElement>> | IconWithWithoutRef | Optionally provide a custom icon to be used instead of the default icon. |
id? | string | Sets a unique indentifier on the component. |
onClose? | () => void | Sets a callback function when the alert close icon button is pressed. If the onClose function is not defined, the close icon button will not be rendered on the alert component. |
tone? | "caution" | "critical" | "info" | "positive" | Sets the tone of the alert. Default: |