yarn add @spark-web/button
Buttons are clickable elements that are used to trigger actions. They communicate calls to action to the user and allow users to interact with pages in a variety of ways. Button labels express what action will occur when the user interacts with it.
Button tones can be broken up into two types; decorative and semantic.
For destructive actions like “delete” you should use the semantic tone
For buttons that have no semantic action type (more common on marketing pages)
use one of our decorative tones
Defaults to primary
The appearance of the button can be customised with the prominence prop. Valid
options are: low
and high
Defaults to high
Button's are available in two size: medium
and large
Defaults to medium
Icons can be placed next to labels to both clarify an action and call attention to a button.
Icon only
When using buttons that contain only an icon, you must provide a label
users of assistive technology.
Buttons have an optional loading
prop to indicate that an action is in
progress. When this is true a spinner will be displayed.
Note: buttons will not be interative when loading
is true.
The appearance of a button, with the semantics of a link — shares Button
with the exception of href
vs onClick
Unstyled button primitive that:
- Forwards the button ref
- Provides a default type of
(so it doesn't accidently submit forms if left off) - Prevents
from firing when disabled without disabling the button - Forces focus of the underlying button when clicked (to address a bug in Safari)
Button Props
Prop | Type | Description |
aria-controls? | string | Identifies the element (or elements) whose contents or presence are controlled by the current element. |
aria-describedby? | string | Identifies the element (or elements) that describes the object. |
aria-expanded? | Booleanish: false | true | "true" | "false" | Indicates whether the element, or another grouping element it controls, is currently expanded or collapsed. |
data? | DataAttributeMap | Sets data attributes for the element. |
disabled? | boolean | When true, prevents onClick from firing. |
id? | string | Unique identifier for the underlying element. |
label? | string | Implicit label for buttons only required for icon-only buttons for accessibility reasons. |
loading? | boolean | When true, the button will display a loading spinner. Default: |
onClick? | MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> | Function to be fired following a click event of the button. Only applicable for Button. |
prominence? | ButtonProminence: "none" | "high" | "low" | Sets the visual prominence of the button. Default: |
size? | "medium" | "large" | Sets the size of the button. The size of the button. Default: |
tone? | ButtonTone: "neutral" | "primary" | "secondary" | "caution" | "critical" | "info" | "positive" | Sets the tone of the button. Default: |
type? | "submit" | "reset" | "button" | Provide an alternate type if the button is within a form. |
Button Link Props
Prop | Type | Description |
href | string | URL to be used for the link (passed to the underlying anchor element). |
data? | DataAttributeMap | Sets data attributes on the component. Sets data attributes for the element. |
label? | string | Implicit label for buttons only required for icon-only buttons for accessibility reasons. |
prominence? | ButtonProminence: "none" | "high" | "low" | Sets the visual prominence of the button. |
size? | "medium" | "large" | Sets the size of the button. |
tone? | ButtonTone: "neutral" | "primary" | "secondary" | "caution" | "critical" | "info" | "positive" | Sets the tone of the button. |